Benefits communication and education

The core of understanding is communication, and we can provide the total package for your benefits program.

Communications that fit your business

Education your employees on their benefits

Benefit costs aren’t the only thing that’s increasing. It's more important than ever to help employees understand their benefit options and requirements. Benefits communication is essential in helping retain quality employees and more important, in helping them get the most out of their benefits. But benefits communication takes time and money – which is hard for most employers to come by these days. 

Our benefits communication services can help employees fully understand and appreciate the benefits you make available to them. And we provide them at no direct cost to you.

Your benefit communication needs are not the same as anyone else's. That's why we tailor our services to fit your business and your employees. We can provide consistent communication for your employees through:

  • Group meetings, to help employees know what to expect from their enrollment and to understand the benefit choices available to them.
  • Personal, educational 1-to-1 benefits counseling sessions.

During the 1-to-1 sessions, we meet with employees to:

  • Review their personal benefits situation and how their choices will affect their paycheck.
  • Update their personal and dependent information.
  • Educate them on their benefit options to help them make smart benefit choices.
  • Enroll them in their selections through our enrollment system, if you wish.

Benefits communication is critical to the success of a benefits program – but that doesn't mean it has to be difficult. Let us put our simple, effective benefit communications to work for your business.

Gathr brings HR and benefits together

Automate benefits enrollment and administration, onboarding, employee records, and more.